10-19-2014, 01:16 PM
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تحميل Bitdefender Total Security 2015 Keys for 1 year

البرنامج المصنف الاول عالميا bitdefender هذا البرنامج يوفر لك حماية من
الفيروسات وملفات التجسس وهجمات وسرقة ملفات الهويه بدون ابطاء للكمبيوتر
البرنامج يحميك من جميع انواع الفيروسات وفيروسات البريد يفحص ايضا جميع
صفحات الانترنت ورسائل البريد وجميع الرسائل الفوريه وله معدل اكتشاف لا
نهائى للفيروسات يحميك من مخاطر ملفات التجسس يقوم بحمايتك من صفحات
الانترنت التى تقوم بسرقه ملفات الهويه الخاصه بك البرنامج ايضا يدعم Game
Mode وله مميزات كبيرة جدا لا يمكن وصفها كما انه يجعلك محميا تماما من اي
فيروسات او تروجانات وله قدره مذهله علي اكتشافها وتخليصك منها .?
Bitdefender total security 2015 backs top-rated antivirus protection with fast scans and many extras designed to protect you online, like Safepay and the bitdefender Wallet for safe and private online purchases, customizable Intrusion Detection and *** Protection, and a Vulnerability Scan for out-of-date programs. It also cleans and optimizes your PC. However, some features designed to help install bitdefender might cause frustration.
Privacy: Bitdefender's Wallet securely stores and automatically enters online credentials. Other privacy enhancements include Parental Controls, File Encryption, Safego, and Safebox.
Protect: The Intrusion Detection feature's Permissive, Medium, and Aggressive settings let us customize ***** deliveries. The Vulnerability scans found updates for programs and drivers we didn't realize needed updating.
*** protection: Online security features include Scan SSL and fraud and anti-phishing protection. The Antispam Protection tool blocks emails with Chinese (default) and Cyrillic (optional) characters, though both can be changed.
Installation woes: Bitdefender's installer automatically uninstalls any existing and conflicting antivirus and security software. This is a good idea in principle that let us down in practice by freezing up and interfering with our Internet connection.
Software incompatibility: Safepay conflicted with Acronis' scheduler. Bitdefender's installer also removed Spybot Search & Destroy.
Bottom Line
Bitdefender total security 2015 scans quickly and is packed with security, privacy, and performance tools that seemingly justify its purchase price. But features designed for convenience could actually discourage some users. Take our advice and uninstall any existing antivirus software before installing bitdefender total security 2015.
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