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قديم 01-28-2015, 04:02 PM   #1
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سمية هنداوى غير متواجد حالياً
افتراضي برنامج الحمايه العملاق Avira 2015 Final : تحميل مباشر

Avira 2015 Final

برنامج الحمايه العملاق Avira 2015

عملاق الحماية الالمانى الغنى عن التعريف والاقوى على الاطلاق بمنتجاته الثلاثة فى اخر اصدار

Avira AntiVir provides comprehensive protection with important security and configuration functions and protects you against viruses, worms, Trojans, ad/spyware, dialers, bots and dangerous ''drive-by'' downloads. avira AntiVir's advantages include low system resource usage, user-friendly central configuration, scanner (On-Demand Scan) with profile-controlled and configurable search for all known types of malware, guard (On-Access Scan) for continuous monitoring of all file access attempts, MailGuard (POP3- and SMTP-Scanner) for the permanent checking of emails for viruses and malware, exclusive download server for faster updates, user-defined update intervals, Phishing and Rootkit Protection and an integrated failsafe security system.

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برنامج الحمايه العملاق Avira 2015

internet security

fvkhl[ hgplhdi hgulghr Avira 2015 14>0>0>383 Final : jpldg lfhav 383 lfhav avira hg]ghoi hgulghr jpgdg fvkhl[

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2015, 383, مباشر, avira, الدلاخه, العملاق, تحليل, برنامج, final

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