العودة   منتــديات مافي مخ > ...:: مخ الرجه والصرقعه ::... > عالم الصرقعه والزحف

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قديم 07-19-2009, 11:28 AM   #11
« cream836 »
عضو ماله مخ
Red face Good morning!

Good morning!There is a dining-room for the prisoners and the other for the officers. The house bleach costumes where the prisoners dine is a large hall capable of seating fully twelve hundred men.Each table is long enough to accommodate bleach cosplay to twenty men, and resembles an ordinary school-desk. There are no table-cloths or napkins bleach cosplay costume nothing but a plain, dry board. The table furniture consists of a tin quart cup, a small piece of bleach costume pan of the same precious ****l, which hang up the hash, an iron knife, fork and spoon.
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